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It's Travel Season for many folks

With schools out in many places and the warmer weather it's interesting to see all the travelers out and about again. Lots of RV's are going though the town. The main road through town in Highway 95 and Highway 2. Highway 95 goes to/from Canada, 35 miles away, or all the way down to Mexico. We've been on it from the Las Vegas area to here on several trips.
Highway 2 which runs along with 95 from Sandpoint where it merges after coming in from the Spokane area and splits off East just outside of town and then goes all the way through Montana, North Dakota and out towards the East coast.
Right now gas/diesel is still cheaper than I think it will be in about a month as it keeps going up about every week. Regular gas as of this morning was $2.65 a gallon and Diesel was $2.45.

But seeing all the travelers makes me think of living back down near I-15 in California. I'd be out on a call and see all the cars and RV's heading out to the river or Las Vegas. If I was on a call or unlucky enough to have to go out on a Friday or Saturday night call, invariably in all the traffic would be the expensive Rolls Royce or the exotic Maserati sports cars from L.A. ( it was already a 4 or 5 hour trip coming from there just to get to the desert) zipping through the congestion. Interstate 40, or I-40 begins in Barstow and is the freeway/ highway that more or less follows the old Route 66. There are several stretches of the old highway still accessible and drivable, I got my kicks on route 66 many times! What I liked most about many of those trips was I was able to drive it on work time, so exploring it while getting paid to do so was great. I did drive it but more often rode my motorcycle on the old highway. In that area over the years were several Route 66 rides. I've been able to travel the old 66 from L.A. County all the way to Kingman Arizona. Like I'd said a lot of the original roads are there. The parts more often traveled are/were, kept up and not too bad. Some of the old road that really closely parallels the I-40 were really rough and decaying though.
There were sometimes interesting things to see. Same kind of thing when we lived in the Yucaipa area, from about Thursdays on it was often easy to see those real expensive weekend drive kind of cars heading to Palm Springs or all points east on I-10. I liked seeing all the expensive cars, but more often I'd have much rather had the worth of a Rolls Royce in money in the bank, over having the real car.

I sometimes wondered if people would look at me and Stacy on our family trips? Two Gold Wing motorcycles each with a kid on the back and each towing a trailer. I usually towed the camp tent trailer and Stacy towed the cargo trailer. I know we got lots of looks, I just wonder now if some people wondered about where they're going like I did and still do now!

Happy Trails to you! Tad


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