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February 1st

Just as with the last post I wrote, Stacy is again down in Boise for meetings. This time two days of different types that she was wrangled into going for when the supervisor didn't want to go. These are some high end "department head" meetings and state wide commissioners from the state are there too.
Stacy does feel a little out of place but she should do well in any event.

It was winter again over the weekend, we woke up on Saturday to a light snow. It wasn't sticking then and it snowed all day without any staying on the ground. Overnight into Sunday it got cold enough and started to stay. Got almost two inches and it snowed all day yesterday too. Actually it was nice.
Stacy had to drive over to Spokane (2- 1/2 hours away) for her flight to Boise and when she called she said it was slow going much of the way towards Coeur d' Alene then the snow became rain from before that area on. It is usually colder here than Sandpoint (because of the large lake there), and Sandpoint is usually colder than Coeur d' Alene or Spokane (more South).
But today, mostly cloudy, dry and 43, about 20 degrees over what it should be for a February 1st. So as it has been all this "El Ninio" winter of 2009-10, no snow to speak of except in the area mountains.

We've been watching the news on our Canadian satellite system and have seen that many, many people are stressing in Vancouver, B.C. about the lack of snow for the Olympics. We saw that at one of the mountains, snow has been moved from the mountain top to the lower levels for the events. Several places are being built up with hay bales and covered in a layer of snow, just like if it was a cake, and looked much like that in the videos. They're packing in the snow and spraying it with chemicals in hopes of keeping it 'there' long enough. Also making as much snow as they can when they can.
Last year with most of the North West having record snowfall it would have been a great year for the Olympics, this year, with almost no snow, it will be interesting to see. They've been showing that most of the world news crews are already there and recording all kinds of local stories to send out during the games. And they've been already sending out stories about how much snow there isn't!

As Stacy is in Boise, oldest daughter Sandy (the world traveler) is in Mumbai India for what I'm told is supposed to be one of her last trips there. The project of the last year or so, a 27 story residence in that city, is almost completed. At least as far as the company she works for is concerned anyway. Last month she and her husband successfully completed a 5K run in the L.A. area. It was her second one.

Oh yes, almost forgot. In Stacy's last meeting in Boise, I was elected to be the staff photographer for the Juvenile Justice convention we'll be going to in September. That should be "different"!

I guess that's it for this update. More later, Tad


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