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Last three pictures for now.

These three pictures were taken last weekend on the Eureka trip.

First at left was a "Shoe Tree" that we stopped to see on Highway 97 north of Bend Oregon. If you're ever out that way I imagine it will still be there! It has a lot more shoes on it but was there last time we went that way in 2006.

Next picture down was taken at one of the storage rooms. A week ago right now that's what we were working on! This was the larger of the two. They were not square but were deep to get the space.

The last shot was taken at the rest stop on Highway 84 west of Boardman along the Columbia river on the return trip. This was Monday morning. We'd been through a lot of rain on Sunday in central Oregon and developed a short in the trailer lights. So with no lights in back we only got as far as "The Dalles" in Oregon on Sunday night. You might be able to tell by the tree in back it was windy. 20 to 30 MPH winds, at least on the return trip it was a tailwind most of the way! we listened to the audio book "State of Fear", stated out pretty slow but when it settled down became pretty interesting!

Oh yes another thing to type about. The Blackberry experiment is over. While it's a nice phone and I like some of the features, I started to have some problems with the phone speaker a couple of weeks ago. I guess in utilizing the plug in headset so much I tweaked the switch inside that activates the built in phone speaker when its not plugged in to anything. So the phone would ring and when I'd go to answer it, I couldn't hear anything! If on the blue tooth or plug in headset no problem. But its inconvenient to carry the headset all the time!
So I thought about getting another phone, then I thought about the Nokia 6800 I used to have until I was told that when AT&T went from AT&T to Cingular, then back to AT&T, that phone wouldn't work any more. I believed them!
But I didn't recycle the phone and had kept that phone because I'd liked it so much. Well now that I'm familiar with 'unlocked' phones, I started to check and found a site that offered the unlock code for my phone for free. Dug out the phone, put the battery back in, charged it up. Put in the code and wa-la new old phone, just add SIM card. But the Nokia 6800 has a great feature for texting, it folds open to a thumb keyboard and the display rotates to be in the center of the two sided keyboard. Works great!!! I'm happy and don't have to get another phone for who knows how long. It's still modern, a GSM phone, internet capable, and has the qwerty keyboard that I REALLY like over tapping 2 three times, 8 once, etc. etc. Actually most all of the same newer phone features except a camera. When we got it in 2004, still have the reciept in the manual, it was $150.00. Pretty expensive back then! I also saw that this model is still sold new in Europe, so I guess it's a good model.
Anybody interested in a used Blackberry 7290?
More later- Tad
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