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What Can Be Learned from Watching Many Modern TV shows

1. Never promise anything! It's almost guaranteed to cause disaster and/or death to the person that's being promised to! Adult or kid!

2. It must be okay to do so because EVERYBODY in TV shows drinks and drives or does something deadly right after downing a good stiff drink! Police, Doctors, Lawyers, all get together at the local dive after work to toss back a few drinks to "unwind", then drive home where ever that may be, but usually has 'no sympathy' for anyone doing the same thing they meet up with 'on the job'. It also is perfectly OK to keep that bottle of alcohol in your desk drawer, if you are the boss, it's even expected!

3. No matter where you are, day or night, it's easier to use a really bright flashlight than to just turn on a light switch! All rooms where a crime has been committed are foggy with smoke so you can more easily see the light beam from that flashlight you've got.

4. No matter what you're doing must NEVER wait for more people and you must ALWAYS split up and go in alone especially when you are pretty sure the bad guy or guys are there somewhere waiting for you. You know you can take them all on!

5. TV can show people getting blasted away with all kinds of guns or bombs, knives or swords with parts flying, arms and legs, heads, internal organs, etc., zombies can eat your face but if there is a naked woman's breast shown people get upset and threaten to boycott the sponsors of the TV series for 'corrupting young minds'.

6. No matter what you do or say, living is fatal!


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