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A rainy Saturday

Work, work, work!
Seems like people have been working overtime to get into trouble and keep us busy at work! Add to that, that the newest person in our little department is off on total bed rest, 3 months before the due date of her twins, putting her workload on primarily Stacy, and it has been a very busy last few months. And Stacy still has to keep up with her travels to Boise for state level meetings, travels to Coeur d' Alene, meetings, meetings! So she's really been feeling the pressure.

But even with over 20 new cases in the last two months alone, today is a rainy kind of kick back day. Stacy is busy working on her latest sewing project and earlier we watched a double feature of rented movies, "Hitchcock" and "Parental Guidance".
Hitchcock turned out to be better than I had thought it might be, we actually liked it, and Parental Guidance just as bad as I thought it might be. Of all the recent movies on our watch list, "Lincoln" is the only one that's lacking, only because it has been constantly out every time I've checked at Safeway. And even though we have a subscription to Netflix, I have been using that primarily for TV series viewing as it is a DVD subscription only since we still don't have the ability to stream anything like a full length movie quite yet without copious stalls for buffering.
So recent movies are rented at Safeway. $6.00 for 3 movies for 5 nights is a pretty good deal and keeps us seeing recent movies, that's a way better deal too than the 'on demand' of DirecTV's $5.00 for 24 hours for one movie!

In the last few weeks we've seen "Argo", Very Good!!, "Life of Pi", also very good, "Zero Dark Thirty", very intense! but also very good and keeps you in the story all the way through. It also helps that last year we listened to the audio book "No Easy Day" about the same thing and also remembering much of how it was described in the book that really brought the movie of the actual raid into better focus. All worth seeing!
And we also watched "The Hobbit", a movie I had been looking forward to seeing since before it came out at the theaters. I really liked it! The "Lord of the Rings" series is one of the best series in my opinion and I had so high hopes in the film. It was good, I just hope the next two will continue it. My only gripe in The Hobbit was it seemed to be filmed with 3-D in mind and I don't care for the emphasis of 'in your face' action that often is in movies made for 3-D. But otherwise a good movie.

Now that it's spring, and if the weather continues to warm as it has been, by the end of the month we should be working on our garden. At home this year! Since we cleared those trees last year we have a great area to have a large garden, looking forward to it and all we'll grow!

Today, and probably they're already home by now, Sandy, Erik and Justine should be back from three weeks in Germany and England. And then on the 15th Sandy and Justine will be coming up here to take back her car. In December 2011 Stacy brought her car here since she had no place to keep it at their apartment and didn't really want to sell it. A good thing to as in early March her job was consolidated and she was let go. So, she's happy to get her car back and we get a visit too.

Laura has been saying she's been promoted to Animal Control officer at her department, and as soon as her replacement for her dispatch position is trained and on their own, she'll be working out in the field again. So she's pretty happy and enjoying her job way better than any job she had in Davenport.

I actually talked with Sean last evening and he's also doing great. In his night and online classes he's maintaining a 3.66 GPA which is great for him! He's working on his degree in aviation and getting paid for taking the classes which is win, win for him. He's still not positive what he'll do with his degree but it should open possibilities for him when his current contract ends next year if they can't find a place for him where he is. I'm certain he will not like leaving Hawaii if he has to, so we hope whatever happens he'll be happy.

I found it interesting in the news during the week about the 40th anniversary of the first cell phone call, it is pretty amazing in thinking back to our first cell phone, the phone's incredible cost (back then) and cost to use versus what cell phones are now where calls for many are secondary or even non existent with text only plans. No, to me cell phones are now our own VPC's, very Personal Computers that almost everyone carries around with them. And thinking about our 'mobile devices' like the iPad I'm writing this on, I seldom use my laptop for anything except keeping my iTunes for my iPod and Stacy's iPhone going with media. Our laptops were basically replaced by our iPads and phones.

Well, I guess more later!


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