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A Post is a Post!

So yet again time has been zipping by and I have failed to keep up with my posts.

We're all into Spring but still not so much in this area yet. I recently found out that on average June is the wettest month overall for our part of the great North West. This June is keeping with that norm. Rain and lots of it over the past few weeks. A few sunny days and even a very few sunny and WARM days too.
But again, mostly just rain and fall type of temps, 30s at night and 40s or 50s during the day.

As I'm typing today Stacy is on her way back from a three day trip to Pocatello, Id., and has to travel most of next week too, to Lewiston, back for a day and then Boise. She has been recently nominated for a place on a state level commission and although it seemed like a slam dunk, another person has come out saying they want a shot at it too at the last minute. Should Stacy 'win' she'll be making even more trips to Boise, we'll know in the next couple of weeks I believe. 

At home we have done some projects, with all the spring growth it's back to lawn care and weed eating every weekend it's not raining. I'm hoping it will soon break up weather wise and not rain for a few days over a weekend so we can spray our driveway and other areas with grass and weed killer for all the weeds and grasses growing like crazy. We have a spray tank that I mount to one of our quads that has a electric pump in it and usually I drive and Stacy sprays. She likes to do that so I don't accidentally spray her flowers by spraying too close to get the weeds there to.

In July we'll be going to Northern California for a few days, Sandy will be having her baby shower for the "baby Novales", they haven't picked a name yet or if they have they aren't talking. Maybe at the baby shower?
Anyway, Stacy wouldn't miss it and I don't mind going also so we'll be there for a few days. We'll be taking our trailer, which makes me very happy, and staying about 20 minutes away from Sandy's place at an RV park. Stacy has been at her apartment and their place is too small for everyone that will be there family wise so our trailer will be a lot cheaper than any area motel and we'll have our own bed, kitchen, fridge and room. We really enjoy RVing and haven't been able to use the trailer for over a year except as a spare bedroom when we've had company.
When I started to get the trailer 'de-winterized', I found that the snow and ice of melt and refreeze of the past winter had helped to cause a leak from a roof seem and into the front bedroom. With the spring melt it had been leaking for a while without our knowing so it was a bit of a mess. But three weekends later and about 5 tubes of Butyl Rubber caulk, the leak is stopped. We never could find out exactly where the leak was originating, we'd caulk the entire area and think that would do it, it would rain and still be a dribble. Then it was the slightest drip so we knew we were on the right track. So re-caulk again and finally, and after a week in the rain, no leak!We also took the opportunity and Stacy re-caulked all the windows of th RV.
Back in Phelan when we were getting our house ready to sell we had a friend that was a professional plasterer and he did some work for us and while doing that he taught Stacy the fine art of perfect caulking. Stacy did an excellent job on the RV.
I did decide though, actually I had decided last fall but couldn't afford it then, to buy, and I bought a full cover for the trailer. On Amazon it had gone down in price almost $50 since I put it on my "wish list" last year so it was over half the price of the same type of cover from Camping World, even with the $40 shipping for the heavy box. So as soon as it stops raining and things dry out the cover goes on and that will protect the outside and inside the window shades from sun damage over the summer and next winter no snow will be on the roof, so hopefully no more leaks- ever!
We are talking ultimately about building a pole barn type of parking area to park the trailer and back hoe under but that will be down the road a bit at the moment.

Laura and her family are settling into life in Houston. She said they all really are liking living there, except for the heat and humidity that is! She may be getting a job in a week or so, had interviews earlier this week and was enthusiastic about the job and they seemed enthusiastic about her so it should work out. Tyler is on summer break but before school was out he received several awards at his new school. It was tough at first, from what Laura said he was a little behind compared to Houston schools but he caught up and seemed to really enjoy the new school. And he's not even in 1st grade yet!! He will be starting 1st grade in August.

Till next time


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