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Not a quiet week here!

And that was last week! Today is the 13th even though this post will have the 9th as the day of the post since I'd uploaded the photos that day hoping I'd get right back to it. Wrong!
I posted the short note about Stacy officially getting the department head position and had hoped to add to it. However even with the flurry of activity involved in Stacy getting transitioned to the new job, she officially starts on May 1st, its been busy for me too since I've been covering for Carol, the adult probation officer, who's been off because her husband had to have surgery last week.

So with Carol off last week and this week and Stacy traveling two days last week and two days this week have made me actually having to WORK at work!!
To the photos of this posting.
Last week while Carol and her husband were out of town for the operation, Stacy and I had to go to their house twice a day and feed their horses and cats. While Stacy was gone last Wednesday and Thursday I took care of the chore and took these photos.
They live in the area called the "North Bench" and it is mostly an area of medium sized farms and ranches.
Top photo is of two of their horses after feeding them on a stormy evening.
Middle photo taken the same day shows some of the large areas of fields looking North from the road just down from Carol's place.
Last photo is of an old building on a farm with falling snow lightening up the background. During the time I was feeding the horses and flushing the cat's toilet (cleaning the cat box in their house) it became really windy and snowed for a few minutes. The snow had moved past and that's what is in the photo.
The last couple of weeks it had been more like winter with still freezing nights and only forties in the daytime. This week it's predicted to be in the upper sixties by Friday. Still rainy and cool but the temps are working there way up now since its spring.

Back to Stacy, as I said she'll be official on May 1st and her first order of the new position is hire somebody to replace her as Juvenile Probation Officer. The county posted the job last week for applications and it closes on April 30th. It calls for a B-A degree (in anything, just the degree. Stacy had to have one also) which not many locally have. So she's had some interested people call and ask her about 'bending the rules' to give them a shot at the job. Luckily the job was posted now and not after the 1st of May so Stacy had no say in the requirements. That was a good thing! All she has to say now is...sorry.
We're hoping a great candidate will come out in the applicants, Stacy has quite a few already planned state trips in the next few months so a good person that's a fast learner and with an on the ball personality would be great!
Since Stacy will be out of town this Friday and Saturday, several people we work with made her an early birthday cake and had a little surprise party for her then lunch at the Inn. She was really happy and so was I since I was there too! I helped keep the secret since last week when it was talked about when i was at the courthouse.
While Stacy was at her meetings last week she'd lost her wedding ring when it fell off her finger and she hadn't noticed or felt it. Later that evening when she did she was devastated and tried to retrace all her stops and steps from the day in an effort to find her ring. She couldn't and thought it was gone for good. Luckily she'd told others from the meeting and to both our surprise, one of the people from the meeting found her ring, let her know and mailed it back to her. She got it yesterday in the mail with a small white length of ribbon and a clip tied to it so she won't loose it again! But Stacy agreed to get it re-sized just a touch smaller so it won't fall off again.
So getting her ring back, getting the promotion she wanted, and her little pre-birthday party today has made this a great two weeks for her. After all these years of everything I know she's earned it!!!

Sandy ran an eleven mile run last weekend working her way up to her goal of a 13 mile "Mini Marathon" next month. From what I was told by Sandy and Stacy I get the feeling the 13 miles will be about the top of her abilities for her ankles and feet to endure. Stacy and I are still very impressed by all her efforts in this endeavor.

Til next time, tad


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