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A great rainy day! Thursday the 13th.

Stacy had to go to a meeting today about 4 hours away in Lewiston, up at 4 am off by 5 am. She won't be back until late this evening. The last few days have been some rain with afternoon thunderstorms, today has been pretty steady rain which is great for right now. The garden needed it!
The garden is growing so well we've decided we have to set up a garden area at home next year so we can more easily take care of it.
Some big thunderstorms came through the area last evening. We listened to the rain and saw some of the flashes but most of the lightning was by sound time, pretty far away. Got some heavy rains though and I was working on the computer at home, and I thought I'd put out my recorder to get some of the rumbling thunder echo off the valley and as I'm standing on the back deck a blinding flash and almost instantaneous explosion. Memories of our recent fried electronics from just such a strike, I told Stacy "one hit in the three years we've been here", she said "how about two in one year!" So I unplugged the Hughesnet receiver, just to be safe! But that was the only hit that close and then they dissipated.

Stacy has been riding a horse every Saturday and is loving riding again. Its a horse kept at our co-workers place but owned by a Deputy that hadn't ridden it in a few years. Arrangements were made and Stacy gets to ride again. She likes horses like I do motorcycles and in her younger days had a horse she rode all over the hills near Ridgecrest California in the early 1980's. Even with her back being broken in 1990 when she was bucked off then stepped on by her horse she never got away from horses, before we moved to Idaho we had seven horses on our property in California at one time.
One reason we had so many horses was Stacy had always hoped that the kids would find the same love of horses that she'd had as a kid. Never happened though, Sandy was doing really great and seemed to enjoy it until she started having asthma attacks on rides and we found out she was deathly allergic to anything with fur, as well as grasses, plants, certain foods, just about everything about our lives back then with both her parents working in Animal Control! Sandy's been taking allergy therapy for a few years to hopefully some day be able to have a dog again, Sandy misses the dogs we had while she was growing up.
She does have a couple of cats, crazy to me yes since her and her husband are both very allergic! But from what she says, keeping after the cats all the time has prevented any allergic mishaps!
Laura was the kid that rode the most until she got older and her interests changed.
Sean never had any interest in most of the menagerie we continually had back in those days, just give him a video game! He did get a pet Opossum, a snake, and some 'trial runs' with various animals out of it all, but he didn't and still doesn't, like the care involved with pets. And I'm glad with that! At least he sees it compared to all those people I met over the years in Animal Control that were always getting the "free puppies" at the super markets!
Stacy and I are mainly thinking about the trips coming up next month and in November. There is so much available on-line about the upcoming Germany trip. And last night we even watched "National Lampoon's European Vacation" courtesy of Netflix. Not as funny as we remembered it, we still liked it. I joked with Stacy that as much as we keep hearing about Sandy's plans for us on this trip, she'll be like the Chevy Chase character of Clark Griswold. Just kidding if you read this Sandy, just kidding!!!!

Well, I guess that's the update for now!
Type later, Tad


Sandy said…
Hahaha, well, at least I won't be eyeing any beautiful blonde women in red convertables.... :)
Camdin said…
Hi Guys,just read your blog this late afternoon and as always enjoyed it.It is nice to read what each of you did in your earlier years,next time it rains there Tad send some rain our way we sure need it...Jimmy got an area cleared out and compost hauled in for a bigger garden area, the Roma tomatoes are really coming and don't mean two at a time either..This is all for now take care and a good weekend to you both.

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