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It's Fall up here, heard it's still summer in So. Calif.

Yup, many of the trees are turning the golds, oranges, and reds of fall. The Canadian Geese are back, the flocks of Turkeys are out and about, the leaves falling and rainy cooler weather is here.

Wednesday Stacy is flying out to Iowa and visit with Laura and her husband and grand baby Tyler. She'll be there eight days with two travel days going and coming back. She hasn't been able to see Tyler since last October when Sandy got married. Stacy's looking forward to seeing them. She's just stressing about her job. I keep telling her that just like in the animal control days, everything will still be here when she gets back and the job will still go on with her gone. I know because I'm covering for her while she's off.
Sandy is working long days and still teaching her class on Thursdays at USC. Sean says all is well and he can't wait to get out of San Diego. He REALLY doesn't like the crowds and traffic of that area.

A few months back, I'd talked about some friends, Joan and Don, that were living in the Las Vegas area. They'd stopped by during a long Northwestern States and Canada trip and loved the Northwest and our area. I was seeing how things were going with them via e-mail and found out that they packed up and now live over in Washington. A small town South of Tacoma, Joan says they really like it. I'd say another convert, but I don't want to be responsible for a bunch of people crowding out the Seattle area!
With the beginnings of wetter and wintry weather I've dug out the home movie VHS tapes and begun to transfer more of them to DVD. Since its best to be watching them for edits and such, I've been doing just that. Even I didn't remember a lot of what we've got on tape. It sure is great to see it again!Video from November 1988 to now, VHS to 8 MM to Digital 8 and now mini- DVD's, with boxes of VHS stuff to go through. Photographs are great and I have all I've been able to find scanned in, but sometimes movement and sound sure make a difference! I've found that our early 8 MM video tapes, early to mid 1990's, that were supposed to be better than VHS, higher metal particle and such, are already in way worse shape than the most of our VHS tapes. Very disappointing. Some tapes just can't hardly be seen anymore for the static in the picture. The VHS tapes so far are in pretty good shape picture wise. So that's my main task this Winter, VHS to DVD!

Only other news of note is brother Mike and his dealing with the low hand of some Prostrate trouble. Stacy and I are, as I'm sure everyone that knows him are, hoping for the best with a quick and permanent end to the problem with his treatments. New move, new jobs, things looking pretty good and then something like this.
Maybe that's why I'm so pessimistic! Stacy is forever the optimist, me the pessimist.

If you have high speed Internet, check out and/or Really great FREE ways to stay up onto the new as well as older TV shows. I've been catching up with some TV shows I'd missed with the new season in full swing. The other evening Stacy and I watched an episode from the old series Emergency!, remember squad 51, engine 51 and Gage and Desoto? It was from 1973. In 1973 I was in 8th grade and I remember that as a family we'd watch Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins, Wonderful World of Disney, then Emergency and top it off with the Sunday mystery movie which was were Columbo began. And I've watched other shows like CHiP's, liked the motorcycle stunts!
Three networks and no cable or satellite back then. No way to record anything yet either. Our very first VHS recorder was an RCA "Selectavision" two speed recorder/player. In 1979 it was the way expensive price of $1,300 or so dollars, a large sum in 1979 dollars no matter what they say nowadays! The first thing we recorded that I remember was the Academy Awards for that year. It was the last time John Wayne was on TV alive before his death from cancer. Wish I still that old tape! Video tapes were $25.00 for a 2 hour tape and $50.00 for a 4 hour tape. Every pause had a brief blackout on the TV and there were often those dropouts on those early recordings. And when movies started to be sold on tape, how about $100.00 for a copy of "The Ten Comandments" on two tapes. I know about that one because my mom had gotten that for me as a Christmas Present back in the early 80's. Of course now I have the DVD collectors edition of that movie that has tow disks with one being a disk with hours of making of documentarties and stories that I paid $5.00 for at Wal-Mart a couple of years ago!
Well I could go on, and on, and on. But I guess I'll end here for this post.
I'll type more later, Tad


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