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A little catching up.

Well I'll start with a couple of pictures. Above is the amount of snow that was still around when Sean and brandy got here. They couldn't believe it. Still winter then!
Although a bit hard to see, Sean is standing in the driveway just taking in a heavy snow shower. That's the way it was that week.

It's a slower day today. It shouldn't be, but I'm sick today. Yesterday morning woke up with a sore throat. Last night got the headache and congestion going. This morning a REALLY sore throat and that all over feeling of jerkiness and over all lousy feelings. Probably a fever in it all but I can't find the thermometer.
So a little computer time then a TV or movie day. I've got hours of recorded programs on the DVR's to watch and haven't had the time. So I guess today's a good day for some catching up. I always think, maybe one day of relaxation then I can get back to it. It is after all spring and EVERYTHING is growing like crazy. I'm to mow and weed this weekend, and that's just to start!

I'd read the comment from Mike on an older post and I guess some clarification is in order. Do I dislike busing that much? No, I really am not crazy about the early hours, I think Mike wouldn't mind them as he's still an early riser. I did my early days for a lot of years. As jobs go in this area it pays really well. Most local jobs are at or just over minimum wage, so the pay is okay. Summers off is good too. So if working at Stacy's department doesn't pan out, then I'll be drivin' again in September. Most of the drivers work two or three jobs to make ends meet. But they've been living in the area a lot longer than we have, so they still have all the bills and such we left behind when we moved from California.

I've been sending out e-mails about our new mailing address. We were annexed into the city from the county for Post Office route realignment. It's been a bit of a pain as we were originally told there would be no rush to get it all switched over as it would take at least 4 to 6 months to even start it. Then in early April we got notice that we were supposed to have started changing everything over last December when we got the new address! Real big problem there has been, new street name and new address. So none of the magazines, or any companies "postal programs" had the street or address in their systems. So most all had to be Customer Serviced and direct entered to finally be accepted. Oh well, seems to be going smoothly now, except I'd forgotten to let all the family and friends know about the change! So I'm attempting to fix that.

Guess this will do it for now. Starting to feel worse so time to go get caught up on some magazines and read for a bit.
Type later, Tad


Camdin said…
About once a week I check your Blog to see if there is anything new, sorry to read you had a sore throat and hope you are feeling better now, how is Stacy... The weather here has gotten warmer,its time to be outdoors working in the front yard and planting flowers and vegetables.Chuck has a vegetable garden going and I am working on the front yard adding new plants and working at getting rid of all the weeds and there is plenty of them with all the rain we had this past winter.Mary is doing great after her surgery and the rest of us are all fine and well. That's about it for now.Take care to the three of you...

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