Well, we overall lucked out. No collapsed roofs, so far, and "snowpocalypse", or "snowmageddon", whichever term sounds the best, is gone but certainly not forgotten just yet. There is still several feet of snow all over. The most snow since the blizzard of 1996 and that was the most snow since the winter of 1969. 2017 is one for those record books alright!
Not with all the snow still melting this week. It actually had been better after last week's ice storm and a day of rain causing issues. Because by last Saturday, February 11th, it began to freeze during the night again which slowed the melting and flooding. Most of the week past it would be the upper 30s in the daytime and 20s at night so it wasn't too bad at all.
Of course, then the weather pattern shifts and flood warnings start being posted for a major warm up and rain event starting Wednesday to Friday which did happen, right on time. From Wednesday morning to last night it rained and rained. Flood problems in many locations do to the now rapid melting with the temps in the mid-40s and still above freezing mid-30s at night.
Last Saturday, February 11th we got and got busy. There was a lot of ice and snow hanging off the front porch roof and I had to get it down so it wouldn't fall on its own and take out some unsuspecting UPS guy, or us!
Oh yeah, I had forgotten in last weeks post that we also had been without power the night I mentioned, for about 5 hours.
Until next time! Tad
Not with all the snow still melting this week. It actually had been better after last week's ice storm and a day of rain causing issues. Because by last Saturday, February 11th, it began to freeze during the night again which slowed the melting and flooding. Most of the week past it would be the upper 30s in the daytime and 20s at night so it wasn't too bad at all.
Of course, then the weather pattern shifts and flood warnings start being posted for a major warm up and rain event starting Wednesday to Friday which did happen, right on time. From Wednesday morning to last night it rained and rained. Flood problems in many locations do to the now rapid melting with the temps in the mid-40s and still above freezing mid-30s at night.
Last Saturday, February 11th we got and got busy. There was a lot of ice and snow hanging off the front porch roof and I had to get it down so it wouldn't fall on its own and take out some unsuspecting UPS guy, or us!
Above: the snow and ice just slide off the metal roof, sometimes fast, sometimes slow. In the above photo, it is only a few inches but my Saturday morning it was about 2 feet hanging off, so I got a long metal pole and started knocking it down. You start and the bottom and knock off the ice and then the snow falls off in very big chunks.
Above and below: snow off the front and how it looked all over the ground!
Above and below: at least it was near freezing again so we have to pick out the ice chunks from the snow so I can use the snow thrower and move the snow component.
Below: just to give an idea, that lower stuff is ice at the back of the house. About 5 inches thick with snow above. While not that thick in the front, the ice was still about 3 inches thick and you really DO NOT want the auger on the snowthrower to hit a chunk of that!
Above and below: a couple of hours later and it's all cleaned up! While still work it was much easier then than now. The snow is now mainly slush thanks to the warmth and almost an inch of rain and it all has to be moved with shovels. That's this weekends job!
We have to get as much of the snow away from the house as we can to lessen the basement flooding.
Below: this is what happens when there's a LOT of water, it seeps in through the walls because Stacy's father admitted to cutting some corners during the forming of the basement walls. He said he'd used some wooden spacers and forgot to take them out which has left a small but obvious seepage over the years. We'll fix it!!
And finally for this post, below, the town still cleans up from the snow. Taken this morning the city crews were cleaning out the snow from areas that get a little sunlight and were, therefore, slow to clear of snow and ice. This took care of it! This machine scraped it out and another pushed it all away.
Until next time! Tad