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Not much Sun this time of year

In our area, our town is in a valley surrounded by the rocky mountains, so consequently in the Fall to Spring seasons there are quite a few days of little to no sunlight, just overcast. Many area residents seek out tanning salons to keep from looking all pale from days of no Sun.

This year, we've also been dealing with days and days of dense fog, and often very slick freezing fog at that. The last few winters, while still cold, are definitely warming as far as the snowfall goes. Earlier this week records were broken for the warmest winter days on record with temps almost to 50 degrees locally and almost 60 degrees south towards Spokane, Washington. The old "average" is supposed to be low 30s in the daytime and there 'used' to still be about 3 feet of snow on the ground this time of year. On the radio this morning there was talk of invoking the road restrictions for the area that normally wouldn't be enacted until late March or April because the area dirt roads become muddy marshes from the Spring melting snow with large heavy trucks getting stuck or damaging the roadways. With these around 40 degree averages happening now, those road closed signs might be going up next week.

Anyway, even lamenting the lack of snow, the following photographs were taken yesterday. 
 Above, yesterday afternoon the cloud layer as it had been most of the day, just above the city. 

The two photos below are as it was when we were leaving work at a little after 5 p.m. in the evening with the now fog settling in all around the town. The pictures looked so much nicer in the evening with the lights filtering through! 

 So I guess all this fog can have some good things about it! Like nice photo opportunities! 

And today, well a bit of a Westerly wind hasn't been helping much as the fog has been ground level and thick all day today. 


snapple187 said…
Hey Tad and Stacy, do you have an email address that I can reach you at? I have a question to ask you if you don't mind. It's unrelated to the topic of your blog, but still important.

Thank you for your time
To snapple187 I'm sorry I hadn't seen your comment to the post until today. Since I didn't see a way to contact you, you can contact me at the following email address,
This is an older account but I'll keep an eye on it should you get this message and still wish to contact me.

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