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More to type about...

So earlier today I posted some of the California trip photos after figuring out exactly how to accomplish that task. Since with Google+ taking over all things Google like the Picasa Web Albums, direct uploading to those albums no longer possible and I didn't see how I could get those, or any photos, to this Blog.

I think it used to be easier, but turns out while different it still is pretty easy, photos just go to the Google+ albums instead of Picasa and then get imported to the Blog through those albums or photos. So I'll be back to adding photos on occasion again.

I'll start off with the big news for daughter Sandy. Last Monday, the 13th, she took the final test required for California Certification to be a licensed Architect........... and she passed!!
She had graduated with a Masters of Architecture and lighting design from USC in 2007 and had been working since then.
She had been stressing about this test, the last in a series that she's been taking over the last few years. She had been recently taking evening study classes to help so she hopefully wouldn't need to try again and pass it the first time. Sandy could already be licensed in many states with what she had passed but she wanted the big one, the one for California, so she could be her own company should she ever want to go that route. Or just the satisfaction of having that Calif licensed number on her business cards, lets people know that she knows what she's talking about! So she's very happy and so are we as we know how much this meant to her.
On her baby front, she told Stacy that her doctor told her that 'new baby' could decide to be born at any time now since it's less than a month to the due date and the baby is big enough to make it should that happen. So with that vague information Stacy is just waiting and ready to go to California should Sandy give the call.
Stacy and I still have to go to Pocatello, Idaho on Sept 14th for the Juvenile Justice Conference that Stacy and now me also, are involved in. Stacy is the organization's 'President Elect' and to be the actual President for 2013, and I'm the event photographer for the second year.
We're making arrangements for Stacy to take off from that event should Sandy have the baby during that week.

I also was the unpaid event photographer last weekend for a co-workers wedding. They had a paid one, almost $2,000.00, but asked me to take photos too and I said sure. I really didn't mind as I like the experience of being able to take the photos at events like these since I usual don't take too many photos of people and go for scenics, landscapes and such.
I got a kick out of the paid photographer, I was the only one there that had a more professional DSLR like hers, most people used their phones, their iPads or point and shoot style cameras for their photos. But a couple of times I would be taking photos of certain things or people and she'd see what I was doing and come over and start taking photos too. Too Funny!
I took almost 500 photos and paired them down to 80 that I thought, and Stacy did too, looked good and put them on an online album so she could take a look while on her honeymoon.  Of course she's seen and liked them and had already asked for all the photos on a CD which I said she'd get on her return.

Our daughter Laura in Texas, has gotten the preliminary job acceptance conditional on a background check with Pasadena, Texas, Animal Control Department. She's very happy about getting back to work and is also happy that it is in animal control again as she really likes that career. She told me that she was told she might be working at their shelter, or as a dispatcher, or as a field officer again. They were excited to probably have her working for them with all of her previous experience with San Bernardino county and Davenport Iowa departments.

So that's an update! Tad


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