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They finally fixed the app!

So, time for a bit of an update, now that I can use this iPad app again. The holidays have come and gone and we hope everybody that reads this had a great holiday! For us it was a nice and quite time. For our area it has been the warmest winter even the lifer residents can recall. It started out like another record winter was going to happen like last year with almost two feet of snow over 4 days in November. But then just a few days after all the snow the temps warmed to the low forties and much of it melted causing quite a bit of springlike flooding in November! Since then though, with the exception of a bit of snow here and there, usually an inch or so like on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, it has stayed very warm for this area with rain but no snow. It has become more of a long fall or spring than winter. Last night on the news out of Spokane it was reported that for that area there has been only nine inches of snow of what should be twenty-three inches of an average winter. And last year there was already forty-three inches of snow in that area and we usually get more snow in this area. So here it is January and many people are already concerned about next summers fire danger if things don't improve in the next month or so. It isn't looking like it will though as there is no snow and only a slight chance of rain for the next week. Last year there was snow all over and the temps were in the twenties during the day and teens at night. For the most part this year it has been in the thirties daytime and mid twenties at night with even a few almost fifties days which is unheard of till spring usually! For me personally it has been a problematic last few weeks. Two weeks before Christmas, and I have no idea how I did it, I strained my Achilles tendon on my left ankle. It got to where I almost couldn't walk with the pain of any pressure on my foot. So a lot of sitting on my butt and just taking it easy and a week ago the pain was down to a very low level then I had an ingrown toenail on my left big toe. Continued agony, again! Some minor surgery at home thanks to Dr. Stacy, and not 100%, but about 90% so I can walk again! And just about totally pain free too! It always is something to me that an area about the size of a dime and almost totally incapacitate a person! Stacy is busy at work finishing a from scratch department operation manual that must be finished by the end of the month. No where near the complexity or length that we had experienced S.B. County, making a through and concise manual is a lot of work! Plus working around her work travels too, like a week in Boise at the end of this month a few days next month and a few days in March too. On our family news pretty much everybody is doing good from what we've been told or read online. Sandy and Erik have been busy working on their bathroom brewery of their home brew kit for 'ale'. Sandy wanted Erik to have a hobby! And Sandy herself is working on training for an upcoming marathon. Sean still enjoys his second, part time job in Hawaii. He made over $200 in tips over the Christmas weekend and he likes that very much! Laura is not liking her work hours 10 am to 7 pm, but is liking having weekends and two days in a row off again. Tyler had a great Christmas too. Quite a bit of Scooby Doo stuff. Reminds me of Sean and his Mario Brothers collection when he was about Tyler's age. Of the extended family side everybody seems to have had a good holiday too. At least as far as I know. Didn't hear from too relatives many this year. So there is an update. I will be posting a few more as I can now access the draft posts I had started back in October. So I'll go over them and get them up really soon! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad2


Anonymous said…
Hey There big brother.. as for me and my family, things are going great. Kristina got engaged on Christmas and is having her wedding in April in Hawaii. Brenda is enjoying her retirement life and I'm back in England until mid feb. Brenda stayed home to have a wedding shower and help the stressed out daughter get things in order for a beach wedding. I will be going back into the hospital in mid feb for my heart. the meds are no longer working so they are going to try something a little stronger, but I will hav to be in the hospital for 3 days as they administer it to monitor me so I don't have a stroke or a heart attack if this medicine causes bad reactions on my heart. Seems the good stuff can kill you first..ha.. Glad to hear you had a great holiday. Happy new year and best wishes to you and the family. Mike

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