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In Missouri since Sunday.

OK, so I got in late in the day Sunday after a rather long delay due to detours around still flooded areas along the I-29 near Council Bluffs, that took me, and many others, miles away and then down to Kansas City.
So what's it like being here? Heat I really haven't had to be in since moving from California. Heat and humidity. Awkward as well as depressing family moments, that kind of stuff.

To me my father has seemingly rallied again from low spots, or at least from the lows I had been told and had read about on Facebook.
Actually that is just a bit of the problem for me.
Yes he isn't doing as well as before, yes he will be dying soon. But I kept being told, he wants to be 'involved' in everything that pertains to his end of life and funeral. OK, but I also feel that there should easily be a time that wether he wants to be involved or not, certain information should be "edited" for consumption and not continually talked about with him sitting right there in the room!

I know for a fact as I've seen, he gets visibly upset at some of the subject matter.
Now, let me also say that I've not been involved in but two other funerals in my life, so far, and so I go with the images, like I guess many people go with, of what they see on movies and TV. Isn't that the way all funerals are supposed to be?

So this one too may become ultimately but I also suggested maybe after after all the planning that keeps getting talked about, maybe we should all have the services now! Saturday! Let him sit and watch, front row, be involved and cry along with everyone else that will be there as they're remembering him and his life, then he can go back home and wait for the inevitable. Problem solved!

Seems reasonable to me, honestly.

Well, due to time constraints and other obligations that start next week, I'll be heading back tomorrow. He'll still be kicking and probably will for a while longer by the way. He survived since January 1997, many years longer than he should have or was ever expected to, even by the experts! So more power to him!
Keep rallying!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad2


Camdin said…
Your dad knows when it is time to let go, and he is going to do just what he wants to do.I know I don't really know your dad but he is who he is... Keep everyone posted..

The heat and humidity must be terrible now that the Hurricane is gone Yuck!!! Take care and will write again .Love & Hugs
Unknown said…
Tad, great to catch up with you today, even if only for an hour. Drive safe and tell Stacy hello. Hope to see you again soon for better reasons.

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