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Well readers, it has been a while!

I was even contacted as to why I hadn't updated in quite a while. I can only say that I've been actually very busy at work, and since I do most updates from there, that's the main reason. Weekends are busy doing work around the property, going to Sandpoint, the store etc. so I'm not on line too much on the weekends. And now with it almost Summer it is mow and take care of weeds weekly again so "work" is the best place to do these!

First to update daughter Laura. Yes her doctor told her she'd had a minor stroke as I'd written last post. Since then she's had quite a few tests done, we just don't know how she's doing! Its that 'kid' thing (many of the parents of any age should know about this one!) that at the time of a crisis, calls, some several times a day, than when everything gets a little better it reverts back to never answer, never call, never text, never e-mail! So again, we feel she must be OK since we haven't heard otherwise.

Then to update Stacy and her job and travels. She's really enjoying the challenges of her new position as the Department Head and Administrator of our little County Probation department. She got her office organized and has been to the South end of the state over two weeks worth of days since May first for meetings. She'll be at it again next month as she'll be South for a week to learn how to be an instructor for the Idaho P (police) O (officer) S (standards) T (training) for the State Probation Academy's later this year and next. She'll be teaching how to write reports and has to learn the way they want the classes taught. The Academies when they're going, are three weeks long, she'll only have to be there for her "module" when they have the Probation Academy.
For me it has been as mentioned above, a lot of paperwork work. After Stacy became the 'boss' I volunteered to take over the Unsupervised Misdemeanor Adult cases from the Adult Probation Officer we have. She'd been complaining of being a bit overworked handling both Supervised and Unsupervised cases. I volunteered because unsupervised is all pushing paperwork and ensuring compliance with Court orders. Due to being "overworked", she'd let the files get out of control and as I went through them I pulled quite a few cases that had not complied and other cases that had expired, with several of each over a year old. It took a while to go through them all and get it squared any again. About 300 current cases, it seems like the local Court goes about 3 or 4 unsupervised to each 1 supervised adult case. And although many are locals, quite a few cases were also people 'passing through'!

Rest of the news? Well except for about four days of low 80's temps, it is more like early Spring instead of almost Summer. We had basically a 'drought' last Winter with the least snowfall in over 50 years being reported. But this area has had quite a bit of rain all Spring to make up for it, although I think overall the area is still below normal. Actually it was a beautiful day yesterday when I started this post, but today 6/16 as I'm finishing this, it's been rainy and only in the 40's all day. LOVE IT! Way nicer than all the at or over 100's I keep hearing and reading about! I lived in those temps for years, I do not miss them at all!

Since my last post, our traveler, daughter Sandy has been to Dallas, India again, Montreal and Florida twice! Racking up those air miles!
And brother Mike spent something like 22 days in Japan for his company. I hope he took some photos, I'm sure next time I see him he'll have some stories about the experience.
We recently saw where brother Darrel and his wife recently had gotten another cat.

On the downer side of life my uncle Joe sent a recent e-mail that he is doing worse with his breathing ability. Not looking too good at all. He was already down to one and a half lungs due to smoking. And a few days before my aunt, his sister, is also having similar lung problems. I don't recall her ever smoking either. Makes we wonder and I can't say just a bit concerned as lung problems have been a common denominator in my mothers side of the family. My grandfather, my mother and now my aunt and uncle all having lung issues that not meaning to sound like the grim reaper are still going to shorten their longevity.
I've never smoked, but grew up being around with my mom smoking all the time to my 20's and living and working in the San Bernardino area at the east end of the 'greater L.A. Basin' and all its smog for much of my life, kinda makes me wonder! Can or will the clean air from this area help keep me from having similar problems in a few years?
On that happy note.

Till next time and I hope not so long between posts, Tad


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