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No photos this time.

First off is the call Stacy got this morning from daughter Laura. She'd gone to the hospital right after work last night because of some numbness and feeling "not quite right". Turns out she'd had a mild stroke. Tomorrow is her birthday, she'll be 28.

Released this morning, she has a heart monitor on and was told to live her normal life, go to work as normal etc. She just talked to me on the phone as she was on her way to work as a AT&T complaint and help operator on the swing shift. She said she thinks it was a particularly unruly "customer" that she'd been dealing with that took her over the edge in stress levels. We'll have to see what the doctors find in the barrage of tests they had performed on her last night. We are hoping for the best!

I'd forgotten about it with the last post. So, how did the Prom go? We wound up being there for almost 3 hours. There were about 120 kids there, remember this is small town USA, the entire senior class is usually around 200 kids.
I thought it interesting that many of the kids there had the big night that started with a 75 mile drive to Coeur d' Alene for the fancy dinner at a fancy restaurant, followed by a 75 mile drive back to Bonners Ferry for the Prom. Luckily no one was killed in any accidents as I overheard stories of 90 plus MPH races up Highway 95 and getting back to town. But then at that age you're never gonna die!
It was something seeing all the rented tuxes and dresses for the event. Not one limo, lots of cars and pick up trucks though. No, Stacy and I were not all gussied up, we were more there with the 'parent patrol' and local police and only in attendance so the High School Principle would allow some of the kids on probation to attend with their dates.
The dance was held in the National Guard building, I was told because the High School auditorium had too many nooks and crannies to hide in, so they wanted to see how this location worked. It was very, very dark and decked out more like a Halloween mansion instead of a dance floor. Although very cold outside it was too warm in the dance area so many rotated outside to cool off then go back in to "party".
Once inside the kids couldn't leave to their cars unless walked out and back with either an adult or police officer. If they didn't want to do that and just left, they couldn't come back.
Other than be in 'Officer mode' it was just watch everybody running around. The only thing I did was chase a girl out of the men's room when she went in with her boyfriend. I also visited with the police officers there, and talked to Stacy, that was it. No photos, sorry to the people that wanted pictures of me and Stacy at the Prom!
I did wonder want it would have been like had I actually had a girl friend and gone to my Prom way back in 1975.

Stacy's on her way to Boise today for meetings tomorrow then back tomorrow night. She finally decided and hired her Juvenile Probation Officer replacement, she'll start on the 26th. It had been narrowed down to two equally qualified people that Stacy really liked. It came down to one being willing to move to the area and the other not. The one that did got the job because that's what the town commissioners wanted, someone local. Which really is best since Stacy has on many occasions been called out to go to the jail when some of her 'kids' got into trouble.
Next month Stacy's in Pocatello for 3 days and back to Boise for 2 more days!

Till next time, Tad


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