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Snow and no snow in 2010

It has been a weird winter so far in December and January. It has settled into a pattern of cold and snowy then within a day or so it warms up and rains washing down most of the snow on the roads and in our case the driveway. Above was taken on the morning of the first just before I went out and plowed the driveway with the Polaris quad with the snow plow on the front. It snowed most of the day on New Years eve and day before turning to rain during the night of the first.
Below was taken today, January 3rd, and you can see how rain and 41 degrees has made a small pond, five inches deep, in our driveway that was less than two days before four inches deep in snow!
Stacy and I enjoyed the long holiday weekend, 4 days!, and did a lot of work at the property. Stacy's father and her brother Scott had taken our Dodge and 5th wheel down to Quartzite Arizona on the 23rd of December. Sandy, Sean, and their spouses as well as Scott's daughter and husband drove out to Quartzite and spent the long weekend with them. Stacy and I have spent time and even a New Years in Quartzite. Those were quite interesting trips! Quartzite is a small town in the summer yet becomes an area of over a million in the winter with all the RV'ers and seasonal 'snow birds' that head south for the winter to that area. It becomes one the countries largest swap meets, rock shows, RV shows, and camp outs!
The day they were leaving our area in Idaho for points south, it was icy and cold. So icy that the Dodge and trailer tires had frozen to the ground! A lot of warm water and about a half hour later it finally pulled free. They've been enjoying the temps in the 70's in Arizona and get to go through some below zeros on their way back through Montana on the I-15.

Also happy anniversary to brother Mike and wife Brenda! It was actually yesterday, but the congrats still goes!

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