Since our return from the Wyoming trip a little over two weeks ago, the fall temps had already set in in our area. The coolest temps of the entire trip were on our return home. Mid 20's last night and upper 50's in the daytime. I guess the 70's are over till next year!Even snow at the 5,500 foot range of the area mountains, earlier than last year.
This morning I finished the design and copy of a menu for a small deli restaurant across from our offices. It changed hands a few weeks ago and the new owner is the wife of a guy from the local motorcycle club we'd been involved with for a couple of years. Since I had done the club newsletter she asked me to do her revised menu. I gave her three example setup copies, she picked the one she liked so I finished and printed them up for her.
Last weekend we started in earnest with the winter firewood project. We still had over a cord left from last year but Stacy's father bought 4 pickup truck loads of 14 inch 'rounds' of Douglas Fir and Red Fir. The person providing the wood rounds estimated it would split to at least 4 or 5 cords, we'll see. So next weekend being a three day one to honor Columbus, we hope to get the rest of the rounds split and stacked. YES we have a powered splitter, no Daniel Boone stuff here when you have several cords of wood to split!
A month from today I'll be in Missouri from the 4th until the 8th. And don't forget to turn your clocks back on the first of November!
Stacy and Sandy are both really looking forward to the Germany trip now 43 days away. Sandy said in a chat this morning, she's booked the trips rooms, Stacy checked into cell phones while there and plotted out the trip on Google Maps. Where to go in proximity of this town, that town? It will be interesting!
Sean called yesterday and was talking about the Miramar airshow last weekend. Sandy and her husband went with Sean and Brandy to an evening show. It sounded really interesting and I hope I'll see some really good photos when Sandy get hers posted on her on-line account.
That's it for now! Tad
This morning I finished the design and copy of a menu for a small deli restaurant across from our offices. It changed hands a few weeks ago and the new owner is the wife of a guy from the local motorcycle club we'd been involved with for a couple of years. Since I had done the club newsletter she asked me to do her revised menu. I gave her three example setup copies, she picked the one she liked so I finished and printed them up for her.
Last weekend we started in earnest with the winter firewood project. We still had over a cord left from last year but Stacy's father bought 4 pickup truck loads of 14 inch 'rounds' of Douglas Fir and Red Fir. The person providing the wood rounds estimated it would split to at least 4 or 5 cords, we'll see. So next weekend being a three day one to honor Columbus, we hope to get the rest of the rounds split and stacked. YES we have a powered splitter, no Daniel Boone stuff here when you have several cords of wood to split!
A month from today I'll be in Missouri from the 4th until the 8th. And don't forget to turn your clocks back on the first of November!
Stacy and Sandy are both really looking forward to the Germany trip now 43 days away. Sandy said in a chat this morning, she's booked the trips rooms, Stacy checked into cell phones while there and plotted out the trip on Google Maps. Where to go in proximity of this town, that town? It will be interesting!
Sean called yesterday and was talking about the Miramar airshow last weekend. Sandy and her husband went with Sean and Brandy to an evening show. It sounded really interesting and I hope I'll see some really good photos when Sandy get hers posted on her on-line account.
That's it for now! Tad