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Draft Show P-3

Last performance of the event on Sunday the 27th was the 8-up draft hitches. Really the showiest of the draft shows are these long teams. For shows like these many teams are truthfully accidents waiting to happen! With so many horses in relatively small spaces and not always, but some owners keeping their horses "hot" (on a grain and sugar buzz) for a more spectacular effect. At this show the teams were brought in individually worked, then all brought back together for the final judging. When we worked with Larry in 2000, they ran them all together at those locations.
Above shows the effort involved in getting something this long and connected primarily by leather straps turned, in this case from the left to the right for the right turn. Kinda looks like an "S" doesn't it? They all got together and made the turn though. The guy on the left in the photo is the driver with all those reins in his hands. Guy on the right is there to help when the team stops. He runs all the way out front and stands in front of the lead horses. Often WHOA is forgotten after a few moments and the lead horses will start to move again.

And below shows all five teams of eight 2,000 (on average) pound horses with all their patent leather, silver and gold for final judging. 40 horses, 5 wagons, a few hundred thousand dollars of animals and hardware. Just spectacular!!! For the participants the 6 and 8 up winning is everything as the winning money helps with the expense of operating hobbies as expensive as this! Also different here from the other shows we'd been to, ribbons and winnings for 5 places so everyone's a winner here! Most other shows were winners to fourth.

If you ever get a chance to see a show like this where you live, SEE it! You wont regret it! We're looking forward to next years show!
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