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I'll try this again

Last Friday the 27th, I spent a couple of hours including interruptions, working on a blog post. Almost done, and with another interruption as I'm reaching across the keyboard I accidentally hit a key, not delete, don't know which one was the problem except it was on the left side of the keyboard, but the one I hit and "POOF" all that work was reduced to a single 'm'. What happened? Don't have a clue. I even tried the auto save copy on the list of posts, but it was all gone but that 'm'.

So to a new post.

Still snowing after all this winter....

Saturday I used the quad with the snow blade and got rid of the pile of snow and ice that had been blocking in the Solstice. Got it down to the ice layer with the blade and then used the chains on the wheels of the Polaris to break up the ice layer in hopes it would melt a bit faster. Everything was looking good and I had plans for driving it again starting on Monday, looking forward to it since it hasn't been driven since mid December! I even washed two of the trucks getting the winters road spray and grime off. Still a bit cold but other than that a lot of the snow pack was pretty well gone after a couple of weeks of low to mid 40's and all the main roads have been staying clear and dry.

You can probably already guess what happened...............................yup, woke up on Sunday morning to about three inches of new snow. Snowed almost all day and when it finally stopped that evening it was up to almost six inches of snow. On March 28th! It snowed off and on yesterday and was even snowing again this morning as we got up and came to work. Not snowing right now but it might later today and predicted more or less until Friday. I did see on the news yesterday morning that for the Spokane area, where our "local" TV channels come from, the bit of snow on Sunday took the season total over the top to make the winter of 2008- 2009 as the most snow EVER recorded in the history of Spokane. Over 95 total inches. Luckily it didn't all happen at once! Maybe something will be in our town paper since we usually get more more snow up in this area.

Adding to the post.

Today is Thursday the 2nd, I haven't been able to add until today because I was busy at work and now I'm home sick. I'll probably stay home tomorrow also. It's kind of funny that so often there just isn't the time needed to work on projects, but when you're home not feeling well you just don't feel like doing anything!
It has been snowing everyday this week. It is getting warmer though, so it sticks at night but by late afternoon quite a bit of it has again melted, and that is the way it's been going.
Next week is supposed to be in the mid 50's, so I should be able to be driving the car again then.

TV show endings.
Last night was the final episode for the American version of the show "Life on Mars". Now the original English version lasted for two seasons there, but in the end turned out the main character had been in a coma for the shows duration, comes out of it and missed his life as a detective in 1973 so much that he jumps off a building and 'goes back' to his life in 1973. The U.S. version varied from that, and I think it was overall a bit better, the ending though was way different. In the U.S. version, turns out he'd been, along with all the main characters in the show, in a 'hyper-sleep' for a mission to Mars in 2035, his experiences were a glitch in the computer that gave them dreams for the duration of the flight to Mars. I thought that was a novel way to end it. In practice the end looked kind of cobbled together and could have been presented better, but I guess that since the show was just canceled about a month ago so I guess there wasn't much time to come up with it and still film it.
I thought the end of the new version of Battlestar Galactica was actually pretty good. I'm looking forward to the last shows coming out on DVD so I can see what extras will be included as well as see them again without the copious comercials.
I read an article on the end of shows, they had a list. Stacy and I think that the best ending for a TV show was a few years back on the HBO show called "Six Feet Under". It was kind of a quirky series and as the seasons progressed it got a little off track in our opinion, but that last episode was stupendious!! The last 10 or so minutes of the show followed along the lives of most of the main characters all the way to their "deaths". How it was done was really well done visual story telling and I don't think it will be topped since it was on 'cable' and not on regular TV.
By contrast, although it really did fit the way the show was, the end of the Soprano's was different in a "what happened?" kind of way.
Having and end, having show closure is pretty good I think. Hopefully it will continue to gain popularity. So much better than they way it almost always has been as long as I can remember. Used to be, just gone!

As for other things,
Sandy still has her job, but the company is at the "everybody takes a 20% paycut" stage. So she said for the forseeable future she's getting Fridays off. That's the solution for the 20% cut.
Sean and Laura are doing OK.
Stacy will be taking some classes for her job that will take her to Spokane for a couple of different days in the next month.
Stacy is really enjoying her sewing projects. I've been working on all the home videos we have and getting the trips edited down from hours and hours of video, for each trip!

That will be this update, type later. Tad


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