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Hope Everyone Had a GREAT Thanksgiving!

For us, this year is so much better than last with Stacy no longer at a job where she was on forever graveyard shift! Stacy even ventured out and became a "Wal-Mart Warrior" and did battle with the "Black Friday" crowd at our local Wal-Mart Super Center as well as the little mall we have in that same area.
A scratch on her hand and a broken fingernail where the only injuries she suffered from all the shoppers at Wal- Mart! No one was trampled as was reported at other stores, but Stacy did say how rude a lot of people were there. I guess the area motto of 'friendliest city' goes out the window on Black Friday! I personally think its because of that 5 am start time.
Stacy got up a little before 4 am to wake up and make the 30 minute drive to the store. She told me that the only cars out that morning were all going to Wal-Mart. An almost 25 mile long line of cars and trucks all going south to shop. And when there the line was most of the way around the store, at least no snow this year! She was able to get many of the items she'd checked off as possibles from the advance flyer. Many of the big ticket things were gone before her part of the line got inside. She'd also wanted to get some material for future sewing projects, the Black Friday special was selected bolts, 99 cents a yard. When she got over there one lady had purchased EVERYTHING that was on sale. Every bit of it. Stacy complained about the fairness and maybe next year there will be some limits on that kind of buying.
She surprised me big time by taking the plunge and getting us into the 21st century with the top of the line 50 inch Plasma that was on sale along with a Blue Ray player. She'd gotten the player, then lucked out when the TV she got was brought back in because the guys wife got real upset he'd bought it. So Stacy bought it right from the return desk! And all those TVs had sold out in minutes! More than half off from the normal price for this sale was a price she hoped I wouldn't be upset at her about. I'm NOT that crazy! And after seeing a couple of Blue Ray movies, even I have to admit that the picture really is that much sharper! Even standard DVD's actually look better through the Blue Ray players up-conversion process.
I finally got the project of relocating the DirecTv dish from the house to a section of tower next to the HugesNet Satellite Internet antenna. Every winter the snow sliding off the roof has come close to taking the dish with it. Now I won't have to worry! It also has a better tree clear area to get the signal so the reception numbers are way up too.
Last week Stacy and I even got to take the toilet out because of a strange accident that happened. We still don't know how, but one night a pair of my reading glasses and case fell off the shelf above the toilet and the case landed next to the toilet and the glasses into the bowl. Stacy found the case but neither of us thought that the glasses would have actually fallen in the toilet to be flushed down during the night. I couldn't remember taking this pair out of the bathroom, but figured I must have cause I couldn't find them! Because I'm at that age where closer than about 3 feet is blurry to the point of 'can't read it', I have several pairs of reading glasses 'strategically' placed all over the house.
Later that morning the toilet starts backing up pretty badly and that's when we were figuring what must have happened to my glasses. Got a 'snake' out but couldn't grab them. So that night unhooked everything and took the toilet off the mount. Yup, way down at the base drain and almost to the point of getting into the main line and more than likely causing a bunch of trouble were my glasses. Luckily, I like the wire frame types. They got wrecked as I pulled them out, but we did get them out as they were well jammed at an elbow bend. What fun right?
Weather wise, I was looking at photos taken around this time last year. No snow yet this year but last year there was several inches on the ground by now and it was snowing pretty heavy on Christmas Eve. It has been raining so we aren't without moisture which is good, just not really cold yet like before.
Not much else as far as updates to type about. Everyone we've talked with seems to be doing well and some are even looking forward to the Holidays!
My aunt in Lucerne Valley California finally has the inside of her house finished, it looks really great. Makes it seem like a new house in the photos.
Brother Mike had the 3rd and hopefully last treatment for his prostate. He was feeling a bit better but still a little sick when I talked with him on Thanksgiving.
Sean and his wife were going to go have Thanksgiving with his sister Sandy and her husband then drive to Phelan and spend a couple of days with Brandy's family.
Laura and her family did what they could working around Laura's work schedule which included half day on Turkey day.
Hopefully everyone else had a relaxing day and weekend.
Type later, Tad


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