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The Week Marches On!

Its been either rainy or snowy all day long so its been a great day to be on the computer! ............ All day!
Got caught up with C-Net TV on-line, listened to a couple of pod casts from Leo Laporte (computer guy), and gave up trying to get new pictures up onto my flickr site.
I'd been posting albums on Picasa Web Albums, but had some people tell me that they couldn't see the photos very clearly due to the reduction in quality for upload. I'd read about flickr as a good photo site, checked it out, and got started on it. It's through Yahoo (sorry Google), in addition to the much better photo quality, there are also literally hundreds of thousands of photos to view way beyond my so far, 35. Flickr has a link to send to family and friends but it is to join and not just to view the pictures so I didn't want to use that. As soon as I can get which address is the best to use I'll post it here and you, you know who you are, can check it out!

Today is Stacy's first full paid day on her new job. Old dispatch job eneded on Monday and new job started today, Friday! She'd been going in often, meeting with her new supervisor and getting up to speed on the cases she'll be handling as a Juvenile Probation Officer. Today was the first day as a city police officer trainee for her predecessor. I'm glad Stacy is so excited about this job. Her anticipation of the position, her new working environment and the people she'll be working with is great. She had trouble sleeping last night in expectation of her first day.
Okay, so it was the expectation and the fact that its up just barely past freezing, 31-33 degree range but that was enough above freezing to cause the snow pack to start sliding off the roof of the bedroom last night. Ah... the sound of a truck about to go through the room! We both were woken up several times last night because of the noise.

As happy Stacy is about her job, daughter Laura got great news in that she was hired for an Animal Control job and starts on the 17th. Finally, a local government job with benefits! Its been a pretty tough over a year for them out in the Davenport area. I think had her little family known it would be so difficult to get steady jobs out there, they would have reconsidered the move to Iowa from California. But they made it, barely at times. But they made it.

Seems like just about everybody had a good Christmas and New Years. Dwight had his car stolen and then recovered relativly intact and brother Mike got a new SUV, and since it came with satellite radio he finally had to try it. Now he's hooked too!
I can't argue with his love of MP3 Players, I've got two of them. Stacy has one and I have one for music and a 1 Gigabyte player just for audio books. I just listen and then reload it with a new book. Uncle Dennis, if you read this and ever decide to read a book for CD, please let us know! We both think you've definetly got the voice for it!

As Stacy can tell any of you though, its XM that I listen to more than anything else. Some people have TV's going all the time, I've usually got XM on in the background. It's even on right now on my desk. The 70's on 7. XM at home, XM in the vehicles, XM on the motorcycles. I got Stacy the first radio back in 2002 for Christmas, she liked it so much and knew I would so she got me my first radio two days later. They are A LOT less expensive now than they were then!

Well I guess that will do it for this update.
Type to everybody later, Tad


mike said…
Hey Big Brother,

I've been searching the web and on the Sirrus site I have found a car/home XM radio setup for 99 bucks. I think I am going to go that route for Brenda's little car that way I can move it between the two and listen to it at night as I go to sleep. By the way, I'm a channel 8 fan "Big 80's". The 60's was before my time.

Talk at ya later big brother,
Camdin said…
Hello Tad and Stacy HAPPY NEW YEAR and to everyone else. Stacy congratulations on your new job.. Tad I will be looking forward to reading the stories of the 48 years mentioned in the new update. In the way you write it will be interesting. In reading what all that was there I am with the two of you to keep in touch and let everyone know what is happening so many times we get busy and sometimes too busy to take a few minutes and write just to say Hello and everything is ok where ever.When today is finished you can't get it back.. Take time....

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