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Our Week of Arctic Cold is upon us

Yes it is cold outside! It was 9 below zero this morning and 5 below yesterday morning. Its been warming into the low to mid teens for daytime highs, it's 16 outside right now. Since its been so cold the past three days Stacy said they needed to be movie days.
No arguments from me!
The four hour version of "Dances with Wolves" yesterday and "3:10 to Yuma" Sunday. From Netflix, "Live Free or Die Hard" on Saturday. Also catching up on some programing recorded the last couple of weeks on the DVD recorder/hard drive we have from RCA.
Its been mostly clear with no new snow predicted until the weekend. The local paper said the official, so far, total is 65 inches of snow. There are spots on our place with almost 4 feet deep sections.
As I'd said in the last update, Stacy is very happy about the 'karma' of having her new job start on the same date as her last one. Now Laura has told us that her badge number is number 71 which was Stacy's radio call number in the county. So karma there too we hope! So far Laura likes what she's starting. She apparently has more varied experience than most of the others at that agency and they're expecting a lot from her. We know she'll impress them!
Guess this will be a short one today, I've got to go driving in about an hour. A driver slipped and feel on the ice and might have a fractured rib so I've got a "gig" all week. I was asked this morning how I liked the weather here comparing it to California. Well, this is our second winter and for that we still like it over the desert of Calif. But I also said very truthfully that I enjoy it a whole lot more from inside looking out at it!!!!
Type to you all later, Tad.


Mike said…
Karma can be a wonderful thing. Glad to hear everyone is doing well and attempting to stay warm in the extreme cold. We too had a cold spell these past couple of days. It actually got down in the low 20's last night..LOL.. a tropical heatwave compared to you two. Take care, stay warm and give my best to the rest of the family.

Your little brother,
Camdin said…
It's been cold all day this morning at 7AM it was 39 nothing compare to you two..We had rain here is Southern Calif which we needed because it's been so dry.I looked out at the mountains and there is new snow..Take care have a good weekend and stay warm.

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