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Of Indian Casinos, Mojo, and other things.

April 15, 2012

As I write this post, Stacy and I are at the Coeur d' Alene Casio near Worley, Idaho, or about two and a half hours from where we live.
We are here for Stacy's birthday in a couple of days. Last couple of years we had gone to Kalispell, Montana for a couple of days for her birthday. This year since there is a lot going on for her at work she wanted to stay a bit closer to home to make it an overnight trip and back while still taking a bit of a vacation.
At the moment Stacy is off somewhere in the Casino having fun, I hope!
I did just come back to the room from trying to find her and ask how she's doing but with so many people and such a large gaming floor it wasn't going to be possible unless she had seen me first.
We have come here off and on over the years as it is a first class place to stay, very nice quiet rooms, and with it being a resort, various things to do even if you aren't a gambler, like me.
Stacy enjoys gambling every once in a while. Myself, I don't like the smoke AT ALL, the crowds or personally get the attraction of slot machine gambling in the non coin, non mechanical machines, but I do enjoy the variety of foods in the buffet to make it fun for me, as well as be able to catch up on some real quiet time reading or like now, writing this post.
I had hoped to be able to take some photos but the second wave of a storm moved in this afternoon and now it is solid overcast and rainy. Too bad too since this area is famous for the rolling hills and quickly turning green fields.
I had hoped for some late afternoon puffy clouds with low golden sun on the fields but it's not to be on this trip.

After we arrived we had 'brunch' and then I went with Stacy as she started her gambling adventure since we had some time before we could check into our room.
I do get a kick out of watching people's rituals as they sit staring at these machines and pressing the max bet button on them.
Many seem to think that rubbing across the screen before a spin will impart good luck (electrons?) to where it will hopefully force their numbers, or symbols nowadays, to come up. Some only rub the screen when it is an important choice, like take the points or try the free spins. Some long press on the spin button, just like I remember in the olden days of the "one armed bandits" when you had an actual lever you pulled, people would pull the lever and hold it down until the reels quit spinning before they'd release it. Some actually still do rub the outside case too, I just don't get it!
And no matter that there has been much said and written that these new 'computerized' machines run on a constant numerical algorithm, people apparently still think the machines will get "too full" or be 'hot' or 'cold'.

One thing that I did find very interesting as I wandered the enormous casino floor was a Blackjack table. Not your ordinary Blackjack table, no, this table had a gigantic flat screen monitor with an apparent video of a life sized smiling dealer looking and as if he, or later she, was there at the table watching the people walk past. There had to be cameras focused outward because the video dealer would "look" at you if you stopped too long if you were wondering what the heck was going on. As there was only the one set up like this in the entire place it must be experimental. But as with the now entirely video coin less slot machines, could this be the wave of the future? Robotic dealers at computerized tables?

During my walks to try and find Stacy I walked out to the newest wing of this facility. Last time we were here this section was still being built. Now complete it is a step up from the main facility but looks very nice. All the people that constantly are here, and try to get a Friday or Saturday arrival and you'll see when they're usually totally booked weeks in advance, it appears the tribe is doing very well for itself.

Now the next morning and getting ready for breakfast and then heading back. A stop at Costco then home. Stacy has a meeting she has to attend at 4:30 this afternoon back in our town which was why the shorter overnight trip.

Other family news,
Laura and her family are still adjusting to their new life in Houston, Texas. They relocated from Davenport, Iowa, at the beginning of the month as Russell had gotten a new job with NASA and so they now live minutes from there.
Sandy and her husband are down for their annual trip to the Coachella music festival. A real trip for them now since they now live in Northern California. From what I saw she had posted on Facebook, I'm not too sure if it is a good time or not for them. She is doing well in her pregnancy, still too soon to know if baby "Whatsit" is a boy or girl. Maybe later this month or early next month.
And Sean had posted yesterday how he'd gotten his full back tattoos 'finished', and with photos. As long as he's happy right?

Till next time, Tad

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad 3-HD


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