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Showing posts from April, 2011

Remembering Easters Past

When we got up this morning Stacy and I spent some time recalling some Easter memories. When I was a kid, a LONG time ago now, I remember that back then Easter was a mini Christmas for my family. We got baskets with candy and had egg hunts. But we also usually got a toy or two with all the Easter goodies. One stand out memory was the Easter my mom had made large rabbit tracks out of a pattern and talcum powder around the wood floor to try to convince my brother and sister that the actual Easter Bunny had been to the house. I don't recall how old I was but I do recall that I was beyond Easter Bunny belief. But mom had gotten up very early and had taken a lot of effort to pull the rabbit over the other kids that it still stands out to me. The tracks went from place to place and had a basket or prize at each spot. I think as with many "family" holidays as I grew up my mom made them more for her than anyone else. I guess now it was to have something she never could. Stacy sai

We've been busy lately, so I haven't been keeping up with the posts.

I'll start with the most recent first and work back a bit. Stacy just got back last night from another three day trip to Boise. Her second one this month. Last weekend was Stacy's birthday and we spent a couple of nights out in Kalispell, Montana like we had done in 2009. Stacy did some shopping at a couple of quilting stores and we did some other shopping and saw a movie too. We saw the animated movie "Rango". I had wanted to see it and time wise we chose that one over the other we wanted to see, "The Lincoln Lawyer" since it was on much later. Rango was a disappointment, I think had it been shorter and more off beat like the earlier Shrek movies it would have been much better. It starts out like it will be good then it becomes a standard western movie just with the animal characters. I also think that since it's advertised as a kids movie it should be a kids movie! I know that of the few kids in the theater the one in front of us lost interest very ear