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Live from Boise Idaho!

So I have the opportunity to type in an update as this trip winds down and we get ready to head home. Stacy had been in Boise for almost three weeks as I think I'd mentioned in an earlier post, for her P. O. S. T. Academy. Last Thursday I flew down to be here for her class graduation on Friday.
On Friday it was the first graduation of the first class of this type of academy education and certification in this field. While she was there for those weeks Stacy was "taken down" and handcuffed over 50 times, still has some of the bruises, "shot and killed" in one of the 'practical' application tests. Voted the class president and in the top five in final scores for that historic first class!
She also gave a speech at the graduation with all the state dignitaries.

To say I'm proud is an understatement!

After graduation she needed to stay in the area because of her usual state meetings that took place yesterday and today, Tuesday. After the meeting today then we can head home and back to work Thursday.
While our area is still has quite a bit of snow and has temps in the low 30's in the daytime and teens at night. It's even snowed there the last couple of days.
In Boise all the snow is gone and it is getting more like Spring quickly. It was almost 50 on Sunday, and has cooled down to the mid 40's. But overall as with any larger city, it's a nice place to visit but I'm glad we don't live here! Saturday and Sunday Stacy wanted to wind down from three weeks of dawn to dusk constant classes and activities so we did things we can't do in our area since the population isn't large enough to have them. Like a really nice mall! As well as mega movie theaters!

Other extended family news? Well, on Sunday Sandy ran a "half marathon" in Huntington Beach. Sean talked about how much he really likes living in Hawaii and Laura talked about her town being buried in over 16 inches of new snow with all the storms taking out the mid-west and east.
Mom and dad should be home by now, dad wasn't doing too well lately so their trip was being cut a little short. And Mike, according to his FaceBook updates, is liking San Antonio and the warmth over Seattle. That's a good thing since he'll be living there for his company for the next year or year and a half!

More later!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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