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I'm ready for spring now.......

Just a month ago it was Christmas, snowing almost every day, and dark by 4 pm. There's still snow and ice all over, still cold, it's been below 32 for about two weeks in the daytime. But no new snow and now its light until almost 5 pm. Until the last few days it was clear. So like I'd said in the last post, no cabin fever yet, but I'm ready for spring. I want the snow berm piled behind the Solstice to be gone. I'm looking at old trip photos and wanting to be traveling again! I'm looking forward to riding the motorcycle again and Stacy and I are planning a weekend to a hot springs in Canada that's we've heard about and she'd like to visit.

So, the above paragraph was written on January 23rd. I haven't had a chance to update again until today, busy, busy! I left the above in because I'm still feeling that way! I had told daughter Sandy the other day that I'm looking forward to some spring like weather because I'm getting a bit tired of taking pictures of snow and ice! Need some greenery! In looking the above paragraph over, not much has changed weather wise, still 20's and 30's daytime and teen's at night. One day of snow and then over a week of freezing fog. Getting some interesting pictures of that, but still looking forward to some greenery in a couple of months.

On the extended family front, my father has been having some health issues, my aunt's husband had his cancer return and now is terminal, and on the job front's both daughter Sandy and brother Mike are stressing about possible layoffs at their respective jobs. For some, 2009 isn't starting off to well!

Arranged last month for this month, on Presidents Day holiday weekend, Stacy will be flying out for that weekend to visit Laura and grand baby Tyler in Iowa. Sandy is also flying out from California to meet up for that weekend in Iowa, so Stacy is really getting excited about the trip and seeing both our daughters. We realized after the fact that with travel days of one each way, her 4 day visit will really be only two days. Next time it will be a few more days!

Decided to go for a new cell phone, my older model Nokia 6800 had started to have some 'button' problems. Sometimes I could work around it sometimes I couldn't. Since there is a just opened AT&T store, first one way up in this North end of the state, we went and checked it out last Saturday. For me and what I was wanting in a cell phone, I picked one of the Samsung Propels. Of course the next day, Superbowl Sunday, they went on sale for $50.00 less than we paid on Saturday, but I'm still happy with it. It's got a camera, PDA functionality and I have the ability to take, send, and receive photos again, the Nokia couldn't do that, it's also plenty loud enough, ringer and speaker, and the one thing I wanted most for texting, a full QWERTY keyboard slider. Looks good, works good.
Stacy's been checking out my phone and may get one for herself this weekend. She'd been thinking about the Samsung version of the I-Phone called the 'Instinct', but she's not sure of the all touch screen face, so she may get a Propel also. It's her idea so there will be shared chargers and such instead of as before, several different car and wall chargers all over the place. She also does like the just type and go of a full keypad over the push B three times, C two etc, of the older ways of texting. When she's texting with daughter Laura, Stacy is answering one message and Laura's responded before she's halfway through!
Think back twenty years ago, a cell phone? What's that! Now look at where most of society is!

Well not much else for now. I've got to get back to clearing the programs of an old office computer. Yesterday I spent most of the day getting two new computers up and running at work, for work. Not too bad, $500.00 each for just two towers with 4 GB ram and 500 GB hard drives. This older unit will be kept as a office computer for kids to use.

The sun is shinning! Its 29 outside though, but hasn't been sunny for about a week!

More later, Tad


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