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Showing posts from 2020

Almost Christmas, 2020

 So, up here in the mountain Pacific Northwest, it isn't looking like a "white Christmas" this year.  We have had some snow, and it has been cold, but for the last week and until yesterday, it has been "warm" with mid-forties in the daytime and almost 40 at night so, for North Idaho, that's warm! Then yesterday, after a wild night of high winds and heavy rain, it cooled down to 31-degrees and started to snow about 8:30 in the morning and snowed about 3-inches before stopping around 11 am.  I had taken our Chevy down to have our studded snow tires on rims swapped, and it turned out to be at exactly the right time! I went home to unload the summer tires and got this photo during the peak of the snowfall.  While there have been all kinds of astronomical events, like meteor showers, and the "conjunction" in the news, and things we'd love to see, and I'd like to get photos of, the weather has been mostly overcast for weeks! As it had cleared up

Winter is on the way, Thanksgiving is over. What's been happening?

 Well, as my last post had been about the town chiropractor murder case, I'll start there. The defendant, Daniel Moore, changed his plea to "not guilty," and the case was set to start next March.  It was the talk around the Courthouse that "Dateline" had been "snooping around" looking for info to go with the developing story of this case on the day of the preliminary hearing. Oh, yes, he's decided he wants to open his office back up to get back to making some money. Although, several of his past clients, include Stacy and me, won't be utilizing his services any time soon.  Winter, again! We have had some very cold days so far and a couple of overnight over two-inches snowfalls. However, like winters past it is already going the route of a day after the snow the weather changes direction bringing in warm moist air from the Oregon way instead of the Canadian direction. Like it used to in this part of the region, cold air dropping down from Alaska

A Murder! A chiropractor murdered in our little town!

 Hello all, all four of you readers according to the more available stats page the number that reads most of these posts.  It's OK, I've not been "in it" as much as I wish I could be sometimes. I've tried over the years, I just can't keep it going with frequent or even regular posts! So, one gets what one gets! So, murder it is! I was waiting for some information about this case and I got it a couple of weeks ago. Everything I'll be writing about is public but we had some info before it was 'out', but it isn't worth getting in hot water for it.  Yes, a Bonners Ferry murder mystery. I really believe this case will be on something like "Dateline" or the subject of a true-crime podcast at some point next year as it involves two local chiropractors! Last spring, around March 12th, just before the COVID-19 lockdown started, there was a murder.  The victim, chiropractor, Dr. Brian Drake, was actually in his office and talking to his wife on

I Must Agree, 2020 Is The Year That Isn't.

 I know there are many, many people feeling along those lines.  Luckily, our area has yet to experience a large spike. Even in this rural area, the virus has made it here too. As mentioned before, most of the state cases are in the heavily populated south end of the state but there is still a count of over 38,000 positive and 451-deaths in the state.  As of this post, there has been one confirmed death of a 70-year old male, and there are currently 56-cases in this county. The most recent cases are high school sports students as schools opened on September 8th and at the last minute decided to go back to all 'in-person' classes even with all the preparations of having 'hybrid' classes of 2-days a week at school, 2-days a week online, and rotating to keep the student count down to the advised numbers to limit exposure. Our area schools are all on a 4-day week and have been for many years.  However, with those kids, are also over 65 other students who were identified with

Life during a Pandemic, North Idaho version

Time marches on, no matter where you are! A month after I started this post. My last post was near the beginning of the Pandemic we're all continuing to live through. Those first few weeks were scary times, with more scary times to come, most assuredly! The nervous anticipation of who would/could get the virus, could/would we get the virus? Living in the full belief of the new mantra; Stay safe, Stay home ! Living up here, in North Idaho, isn't usually the "going crazy" kind of thing so many stories have discussed for all your apartment and minimum lot-sized tract home villagers. No, many of these area homes, since it is a very rural area, have good-sized lots or acreage at their properties, like ours. In the actual town of Bonners Ferry there are 'neighborhoods' with some close quarters but much of the area is more open on lot sizes and the County areas can be really stretched out. The thing that was keeping most of our area inside was the fact tha

We are all living at the beginning of a new world!

So, since my last post, just before Christmas, everyone knows that it is a different world now. We are all living a story that we wouldn’t have believed even possible a few months ago. Even in the worst ‘made for TV movie’ we couldn’t have begun to see much of the world would be basically shut down and millions of people, like us, sitting it out at home to prevent exposure for ourselves or even a chance of continuing the spread, if we were able to survive it! But that’s a test we DO NOT want to take to even try to find out! “Uncharted waters” has been an oft mentioned description but I think it is an excellent description too. A microscopic virus is killing thousands of people so far, and could easily continue killing for months. It doesn’t care about race, sex, country, borders, political leanings, it has just one mission, replicate and spread until the virus runs out of victims, then it would go dormant until it mutates into a new version and have a second or third or fourth go